Embracing the Flow of Money

Basking in the Wisdom from Vangile Makwakwa

Vangile Makwakwa offers profound insights into why people of colour often make themselves small or invisible due to historical trauma and oppression, leading to a subconscious rejection of money. She shares her own experience of public shaming, which impacted her ability to receive money and led to financial struggles. She emphasises that even as we do the self-work, we can still block the flow of money at each new level due to internal challenges such as self-doubt, fear of success, or guilt about having more than others, but we don’t have to get stuck there.

To overcome this, Makwakwa suggests the following steps:

  1. Acknowledge Your Blockages: Recognise that you might be blocking money. Don’t deny it. Sit with the feeling and ask yourself what it feels like to make more money. Notice how it resonates in your body, which holds memories and wisdom.

  2. Journal Your Emotions: Start noticing the emotions behind these sensations and write them down. This helps to bring clarity and understanding.

  3. Engage in Breathwork: Breathwork allows you to connect deeper with your feelings and emotions, providing a sense of relief as you release blockages.

  4. Question Your Thoughts: Give yourself permission to question the validity of your thoughts. This is not a sign of doubt, but a powerful tool for self-discovery. Just because a thought arises doesn’t mean it’s true, yet it can create blockages. Investigate the origins of these thoughts and see what unfolds.

  5. Seek Support: Try to have someone who understands trauma work hold space for you during this process. Their support can help you create a noticeable shift in your energy over time.

Vangile also highlights the importance of observing your energy when spending money. "When I’m fearful of spending, I think, 'This is the last bit of money I have.' Remind yourself that money is energy, and you can generate more. It will flow back to you." In a society where many are paid monthly, there’s a learned panic when money runs out. Instead, adopt a proactive mindset: "Let’s go make more."

By acknowledging blockages, questioning thoughts, and shifting energy, we can transform our relationship with money and embrace its flow.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko:

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