Present, Not Perfect with Your Family

The societal clock can tick loudly for us women. Careers, relationships, and that ever-present pressure to "have it all" can quickly push the present moment aside. How often do we find our hearts yearning for a "better time" that's less busy and when demands seem less relentless? However, this state of "waiting for tomorrow" comes with the risk of missing the richness of the present moment with our families.

It's liberating to know that we don't have to wait for the idea of a future utopia to come to pass. This state of bliss or happiness is actually bundled in the chaos of right now, whether you're the mom, grandma, aunty or big sister. Studies by AhhaNOW highlight the importance of family connection, regardless of your specific role within the family.

What makes strong, healthy families? It's the shared experiences, laughter, and open communication. As Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the sense of belonging in particular, reminds us, these connections foster a sense of security and belonging that benefits everyone involved, including you.

So, how can we, as women, embrace the present moment and cultivate more joy and peace within our families?

  • Shift your Perspective: Meditate on that which is good. When we focus on what's lacking, the lack is all we will ever see. Acknowledge the positive aspects of your family life. It could be the warmth of shared meals, the laughter echoing through the house, or simply the comfort of being together. Recognising and appreciating these moments cultivates gratitude, a powerful emotion that strengthens bonds.

  • Be Fully Present: Put down your phone, silence distractions, and give your family full attention. Engage in conversations, play games, or simply share a quiet moment of togetherness, even if you're all reading different books. This focused attention shows your loved ones they matter, fostering a sense of security and connection.

  • Find the Magic in the Mundane: Turn everyday tasks into bonding experiences. Blast music while cleaning, turn cooking dinner into a collaborative effort, or have a dance party as the kitchen is cleaned. These playful moments inject joy into routine tasks and create lasting memories.

    Sisters, you have been designed with the capacity to nurture bonds and create connections. Use that gift with your family too.

Photo by August de Richelieu

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